
Here we document curd experimentation.
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(SAT) 21 Apr 2018

Another Saturday morning, another round of cheese curd experiments. The better weather definitely brought out more vendors to the Farmer's Market. This time, I went with Murphy Farms onion chive cheese curds, which sold at $5 for 12 oz. (Last week's Hook's was $5/lb.) The lady selling them said they were packaged last night (so, ~16 hrs old, let's approximate). These are more moist and brine-y than the one's from last week and slightly smaller.

Take a closer look at the warning under the ingredients label. lol :D

These are extremely delicious unfried. I couldn't wait to try them fried, so we fried 'em up soon after buying them. I used the same recipe/conditions as my most recent experiment.

Experiment 3 (cont'd--New Cheese, Same Recipe)
Cheese: Murphy Farms
Curd age @ frying time: < 24 hr
Batter: 1/2 cup all-purpose flour, 1 egg with 1/4 tsp salt, 1/8 cup of Silk Almond Milk, 1/2 cup of Southern Tier 8 Days a Week blonde ale

First, I mixed all the ingredients but the flour. This time, when adding the flour, I mixed more vigorously.

The fry: 375-400 °F in a cast-iron pan; 2X used, strained peanut oil. I dunked the curds in the batter, let some of the spare batter drip, and lowered them into the oil. I let these fry for about 2-3 min.
Delicious, to be sure. Also, consistent with the results of the last time I used the same recipe. However, I continue to be unimpressed with my product compared to the ones I aspire to (e.g. Graze).

I want a slightly more 'tempura texture' to the fry. Also, I want a little more of a melt to the cheese. I don't think increasing the temperature or prolonging the frying will make for melt w/ this batter. Thus, I'll be experimenting with corn starch and eggs in the future.

  • Pleased that recipes are producing the same result despite using a different cheese
  • Need to try new things w/ egg and starch in the batter

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